There is a new Apple ad, “The Greatest”, highlighting disabled people using various Apple accessibility features to do things like recognize and read text aloud, alert someone of a sound of a baby crying, or describe a place or image.
The ad also shows people using various assistive devices like a white cane or power wheelchair, as well as signing. Link to video (with transcript) is in the comments.
Apple chose people of various perceived genders, abilities, ages, and skin tones. The folks featured do not appear to exist simply as Inspiration TM for abled people. The song used is “I Am The Greatest” from Australian Indigenous singers Spinifex Gum & Marliya Choir.
Of course, Apple, like other companies, needs to do more than simply use disabled people to sell their products. The highlighted accessibility features are only accessible if the folks who need them can afford them. Companies should make other changes (like have inclusive hiring practices, accessible stores/corporate offices, advertising with image and text descriptions).
If you know of a company who is truly inclusive of disabled folks, please share!
#Representation #Inclusion #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #AccessibleMeansAffordable Watch/Read “The Greatest” Apple ad for yourself here: